Managing tasks
When a user opens EPJ, or functions that show tasks to the user, the sfm-Task resource should be used.
The resource is avaialble to make it possible for EPJ systems to present an updated tasks list to the user. Initially, SFM indicated support for "machine token" (without user identity). This is still not implemented, and a normal tolken with user identity must be used.
Only the command GET is made available for epj-systems.
Read task list
- User opens EPJ
- EPJ request SFM for open tasks that needs to be solved by the user.
- SFM returns tasks dedicated to the user and tasks that can be solved by any user.
- EPJ presents the tasks to the user.
Input parameters
Get may include input parameters:
- Type: (MD|KJ)
- Pid: list of PIDs to be used for KJ lookup
The following combinations are accepted:
Type | PID | Description |
none | none | Returns all tasks for whole installation without MD (multidose) nor KJ (kjernejournal = summary care record) request - to be used within other installations than GP (general practitioner = fastlege) and PLO (pleie og omsorg = nursing and care). |
MD | none | Returns all tasks for whole installation with multidose (MD) lookup on each multidose patient - to be used within GP installations |
KJ | xxx,...,yyy | Returns all tasks for identified patiens including kjernejournal (KJ) request - to be used within PLO installations |
Return from SFM will include the following attributes:
- identifier
- status
- intent
- code (See Types of tasks below)
- description
- for (if there is identifed a patient that is benefisary of the task is performed).
- owner (Practitioner identified with HPR AND DNR/FNR, or Organization) (valid from SFM version 4.0). HPR should be the preferred identifier for Practitioner, as FNR/DNR may be removed in the future.
Tasks for each patient that are the same type are aggretated into a single task.
Description includes details about the task. For aggregated tasks, the description includes aggregated information. eg. "4 resepter og 2 tilbakekallinger klar for sending".
Types of tasks
Tasks search by individual patient
Task can now be searched based on an individual patient.
Note that now you will need to request: /Task?PatientTicket=[actual ticket]