Person is available in the SFM Basis API to provide a concept of a USER not having a Healtcare professional scope in the API. It is providced to enable management of admistrator users of the API, having elevated accsess to some functions, but no access to typical healtcare operations.
The sfm-Person
profile on Person resource shall be used.
Presenting an access token (HelseID) with identiy matching a sfm-Person, the following resource operations may be performed within the scope of the organization(s) belonging to the same EHR domain:
- create
- read
- update
- delete - Operation is avaliable, but will generally report error.
(Search is described for each resource)
- create
- read
- update
- delete - Operation is avaliable, but will generally report error.
- create
- read
- update
- delete - Operation is avaliable, but will generally report error.
Token matching a sfm-Person may create and manage othe persons.
An sfm-Person resouce created or updated on this API MUST have exactly one of: identifier/FNR or identifier/DNR
Seach operations supported:
GET [base]/Person?given=<string>
- match for resources containing the string in given name
GET [base]/Person?family=<string>
- match for resources containing the string in family name
GET [base]/Person?identifier=<string>
- match for resources containing the string in identifier (FNR/DNR)
active=true|false may be given as a parameter to limit the search.
Result paging is not supported.
Note that a person having both administrative role and healtcare role must be written as both resources individually