
Practitioner information will have to be written to the SFM via the SFM API basis in advance to grant the correct access to the SFM API.

The sfm-Practitioner profile on Practitioner shall be used.

SFM will do neccesary checks against national registers to decide the pattern for medication information retrevial for each individual practitioner. Typically, SFM will look up medical authorizations and prescription rights and store locally whenever a sfm-Practitioner is created or modified, causing a new version of the resource to be created automatically.

Access to operation on this resource is granted by presenting a token with a personal identity matching a known Person(sfm-Person) written to SFM in advance.


  • create
  • read
  • update
  • delete - Operation is avaliable, but will generally report error.

When creating or updating a practitioner resource, the minimum required fields are:

  • Profile: sfm-Practitioner
  • Identifier (exactly one of FNR or PNR) - required for operation on RF/KJ
  • Identifier (HPR) - will be checked against Helsepersonellregisteret
  • active (true or false)
  • name (at least one given and one family)

Seach operations supported:

GET [base]/Practitioner?given=<string> - match for resources containing the string in given name

GET [base]/Practitioner?family=<string>- match for resources containing the string in family name

GET [base]/Practitioner?identifier=<string> - match for resources containing the string in identifier (FNR/DNR)

GET [base]/Practitioner - return all Practitioners (warning: as paging is not supported, this may be a large bundle)

active=true|false may be given as a parameter to limit the search.

To search for an identifier within a specific set, these special searches are implemented:

GET [base]/Practitioner?identifier=<system>|<string>

where <system> is one of:

urn:oid:2.16.578. for FNR

urn:oid:2.16.578. for DNR

urn:oid:2.16.578. for HPR

Result paging is not supported.

