Journal notes

Planned feature for SFM version 4

SFM will create journal notes suitable for inclusion to the EHR/EPJ Journal. The concept is based on a "virtual encounter", and the EHR is responsible for the management of encounter references.

In the setPatient function provided in the postMessage (workspace integration) the EHR will present an encounterIdentifier=<uniqe string> This identifier will be registered by the subsequent envets in SFM, made available by Datashare API through a query on Basic.

SFM client will notify parent frame whenever there is new events available by issuing a postMessage to the parent frame:

	"action" : "journalUpdate",
	"encounterIdentifier" : "<encounterIdentifier from setPatient>",


Sfm Journal Note


SFM Journal note extension

The extension has a type with a value from the code set sfm-journalnote-types indicating the category. The EHR may use this for filtering.

Retrieval on Datashare

The actual retrieval of journal note candidates is performed using a named query on Basic. Parameter may be the registered encounterIdentifier or a combination of patientTicket and timestamp:

GET [base]/Basic?_query=JOURNALNOTE&encounterIdentifier=(identifier given above)
GET [base]/Basic?_query=JOURNALNOTE&patientTicket=(ticket)&modified=gt(timestamp)

Note that SFM will return all items matching an encounterIdentifier by the first varient, and the number of items will grow during a typical session.