In the SFM Basis context, the national systems Reseptformidleren and Kjernejorunal may be polled for a list of patients having changes:
Reseptformidleren keeps track of changes for patients belongig to a single multidose responsibility registration (Practitioner+Organisation)
Kjernejournal exposes a general service to poll for changes on a list of patients.
TASK retreival for RF/Multidose
GET [base]/Task?code=8&owner=<HPR>&_lastUpdated=gt<dateTime>
Organisation is implicit given claims in HelseID token, owner is optional and overrides personal identity in token. This operation may be perfomed without personal identity in token.
Note the following: Code=8 is from codesystem: sfm-task-types and is "Endring på multidosepasient" Returns a list with one task for each multidosepatient registered in the given combination (organisation /practitioner) having changes in Reseptformidleren since the _lastUpdated time.
TASK retreival for Kjernejournal
GET [base]/Task?code=10&_lastUpdated=gt<dateTime>&PatientNiN=a,b,c...
Organisation is implicit given claims in HelseID token. PatientNiN contains a list of patients to check for changes against Kjernejournal This operation may be perfomed without personal identity in token.
Note the following: Code=10 is from codesystem: sfm-task-types and is "Endring på pasient" Returns a list with one task for each patient having changes in medicaton in Kjernejournal since the _lastUpdated time.
General TASK operations
Create operation on Task is not available
Delete operation on Task is not available
Search operation directly on Task without given code will not trig a lookup in national systems
Search operations on Task other than described here have an upredictable result
Format of returned info
The most relevant action for sfm-Task is the seach operations defined.
The format of the return is a search bundle containing tasks. Each task will have a "Patient" referred from for
field. This reference is to a contained sfm-Patient
within the Task.