Prescription and recall

(This chapter is a placeholder for more detailed information during the API implemtaion phase).

New prescription

Whenever issuing a new prescription for a patient the EHR system will build the bundle to document the medication list for the patient. The new prescription, beeing either a sfm-MedicationStatement or a sfm-BandaProduct, the flag reseptdetail/createresept must be set to true.


The creating EHR system is responsible for creating a unique GUID for the Identifier

  • Reseptid for sfm-MedicationStatement
  • identifier for sfm-BandaProduct

Referansenummer (reference number)

Reference number serves as a tag for the prescription or prescriptions in suitable format for the patient to carry to the pharmacy for correct dispense of medication or other products. The reference number will be automatically added to the prescription by SFM in the case of:

  • Låst resept (disclosed prescription)
  • Prescription to patient without national ID
  • Anonymous presctiption under special legistlation "I legens navn"

Reference nuber may also be requested from the EHR system by setting the value "0": reseptInfo/refum = 0

The refernce numbers issued from Reseptformidleren will be returned as a result parameter form the $sendMedication command.

The general rule is to issue one reference number for all the prescriptions in a single sendMedication operation, and the resulting reference number is returned in a paramter named Referansenummer. The exeption is when normal prescriptions requireing reference number is issued together with Anonymous ("I legens navn") prescriptions. The SFM will then select separate reference number for the two groups and return actual reference number for each prescription sent to RF.