Documentation Pasientens Prøvesvar API

Here you can find documentation on how to get started using the PPS-API.

Intro to the API

The API is a FHIR facade that supports CRUD operations on the FHIR profiles defined for PPS. PPS shall enable sharing of test results across levels of care, regardless of who has ordered the test and where in the country it has been carried out. This shall contribute to:

  • Healthcare personnel getting safe and secure access to information that can lead to faster diagnosis, more accurate levels of care, and improved quality in healthcare services
  • Citizens getting easier access to their test results in Helsenorge

Pasientens prøvesvar is a part of Nasjonal Kjernejournal, and requires authentication with a logged-on Helse-ID user, in accordance with the trust work established in the healthcare sector.

Getting stared

Authentication and authorization with HelseID - see Authorization.

For test-environments see environments.

API Examples

Se examples of API use here.


Documentation about FHIR-profiles.