The SFM Basis FHIR imlementation Guide (IG)

The FHIR Standard includes the Concept of a strucured Implememtation Guide. For SFM the Implememtation Guides for SFM Full and SFM Basis both currently resides in the Simplifier solution. For SFM Basis it may be found here directly SFM Basis implementation guide or by browsing to the Guides part of the main page of the HL7 Norway R4 Medication page: SFM simplifier main page

The informaion found here includes details on Resources, Profiles, Extensions, Value Sets, Coding systems etc.

FHIR concepts

SFM Basis API is designed for the norwegian initiative Pasientens Legemiddelliste (PLL). The main element in this structure is the MedicationStatement resouces. After dissucssions wether to use MedicationStatement or MedicationRequest, conlusion was made that the MedicationStatement was the most suitable for the "Treatment" element in PLL. This neither was or is obvious, but one major argument for selcting the Statement was that the Implementation guide for International Patient summary by the Trillium II project made the same choice.

Get and send Medication

The SFM Full version does a complex retreival of data from the two norewgian national sources for medication: Reseptformidleren (RF) and Kjernejournal (KJ), including collecting everything relateded or duplicated into one compiled list of Medications. As this by nature is not REST operations the coice was made to expose this functionality as Operations.

The response of an $getMedication operation is a Bundle of type Document, consisting of a structured index (Composition) into all the elements in the Bundle.

When the Practitioner does changes to the treatments of the patient, changes are made to the structure and the modified bundle is sent as a parameter to $sendMedication.

In all these operations the HelseID access token holds all neccessary information for SFM to create the context for for the operations towards RF and KJ.

User rights

In Norway, there are strict regulations on access to the national solutions, and they also differ significantly between the systems. In order to sort this out, the SFM system need information on the user presented in the token. Currently, this may be done in two different ways: By having a superuser to preregister all Practitioner objects to SFM, including SFM looking up details on athorization from the national Helsepersonellregister, or by having SFM to look up dynamically without the need for preregistration. The latter has a slight impact on security, and is a configurable option for each SFM instance.

For further info on how to create an instance in SFM see the Common guide.